Course Description
This is not Hollywood martial arts. It is not flashy: you will not need to do a jumping spin kick, do a full split, break boards with your head, meditate on a glacier, or kick a palm tree til it surrenders. (Not that there is anything wrong with doing any of that.)
However, in Silat Club, our goal is to teach you a system of movement that will greatly improve your chances of winning a fight. Our techniques do not rely on muscle, nor athleticism. No matter how strong you are, there is another guy who is stronger and faster. You can fight smarter. Through the study of Serak, you will learn how to connect to someone, move in close, limit their options to hurt you, and damage them if needed. Different people have different pain thresholds and musculature, so relying on your strength or strikes may not disable someone. But everyone's skeleton is very similar. The approach of Serak is to use angles to control someone's physiology.. Through the study of the structures in Silat Club, you can learn to confidently turn the tables on an attacker.
There are different types of fighting. Competitive styles deal with 2 opponents squared off, obeying a set of rules that limit strikes and targets. Competitive martial arts are a great skill set, and excellent conditioning.
Another type of fighting is pre-gun combat, waged with swords and other weapons. Serak's roots are from the powerful Majapahit dynasty, who routed every opponent until the advent of gunpowder. Their martial training was to kill opponents as quickly as possible on the battlefield. They had a phalanx of warriors who did this methodically. In our modern time, warfare is a different process, and that type of fighting is now rare.
A third type of fighting is 'street fighting.' This is what we study. On the street, attacks come quickly, unexpectedly, and with bad intent. There is no referee, no padded floor, no rules. You do not know an assailants intent, what they may use as a weapon, how far they will go to get what they want, or if their buddy is waiting in the shadows to back him up. In Serak training, our goal is to teach you to control the 'lines' of the opponent so they cannot harm you, and you have the opportunity to deliver as much damage as the situation warrants. Also, to increase your awareness of your surroundings.
If you are here, you must share our fascination with martial arts. When I was a kid, our local TV station had "Kung Fu Theatre" on the weekends. They would show those classic Chinese films with fantastic choreography, exotic weaponry, supernatural skills, and cheesy voice overdubs. I thought it was amazing and dreamed of learning these arts.
When I got to college, I found my first 'Sifu,' Steve Gresham, and started learning American Kenpo Karate in 1991. From that base, I branched out into Muay Thai, Kali, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Northern Kung Fu, Ju Jitsu, Kashima Shin Ryu, Boxing, and a couple others I have forgotten. I was hooked on learning everything I could. Through a JKD teacher (Sifu David Monroe), I was exposed to a few techniques he knew from an art called Silat. These techniques were tight, focused and potent. Soon after we had the pleasure of spending a weekend with martial arts legend, Guru Cliff Stewart. Cliff has enough black belts to cover himself head to toe, however, he said he left them all behind to study Silat. He had a direct and efficient way of moving that seemed to have an answer for any attack without expending much effort.
In 1999, I had the good fortune to discover that one of the godfathers of Pentjak Silat in the USA was living a couple hours away. Steve and I scheduled a training weekend, and before long became acquainted with Pendekar Victor de Thouars (1941-2017). My first day of training was mind-blowing. This art, Serak, was unlike anything I had seen. Instead of the hard styles and grappling I knew, this art would twist up a body, off-balance them, jam their attacks, and finish with brutal elbows, painful locks, or worse, dislocations of the spine. I was so mentally fatigued at the end of the first day, I thought I had to give it up. However, I was hooked, and I could not pass up the opportunity to learn this unique art, which is a hidden treasure. Now, I get to pass it on to you!
Silat Club Online Training:
- Pusat (base) self-defense techniques
- Jurus (upper body forms)
- Langkas (footwork)
- Tendjekan (offensive techniques)
- Senjata (weapons training)
- History of Sera-Serak
- Silat Street Techniques
- Pad drills
- Silat Club Workouts
- and more
Why Serak?
Serak (aka Sera, or Serah) is a style of Pencak Silat from Java, Indonesia. The art was developed in the 1800's by a Badui tribesman known as Pak Sera (or Pa Sera). He was a man of short stature, with a 'club' foot, and a short left arm. Despite his handicaps, he mastered 3 Indonesian martial arts and also studied 3 Chinese arts, and 3 Indian arts. From all of these he distilled the most effective and efficient movements. His most senior student, Mas Judt, went on to expand the structures for a person of normal body ability. Another, senior, Mas Roen, added the more offensive aspect passed down through our lineage.
Our goal at Silat Club is to present the structures of Serak to you to build a solid foundation to improve your combat skills. Much attention is given to exact movements of the upper and lower body. The Jurus are the upper body forms that are a toolbox of motion and principles. Some are for crashing and destroying, some are for catching and caging. The Langkas are footwork patterns. Unique to our system is the use of the Pantjar Platform. This grid pattern with grids, diagonals, triangles and other shapes gives a practitioner a map to remember how to move. All of these structures are designed to create muscle memory. Movements done slowly and accurately can be assimilated into the body's subconscious, and put into full-speed action when needed.
Training with Silat Club
Serak has many forms and footwork patterns, so if you are training alone, you will be able to follow along and practice motions and structures. We do encourage everyone to get a friend involved to train with you so you can better integrate the techniques. You will notice that we do our practice slowly and with careful control. When you are extending an elbow, cranking the neck, or slamming someone on the floor, extreme caution must be exercised. These techniques do not rely on force, so the easier you can perform them, the better you will be. We want to keep our training partner healthy and save the damage for the bad guys.
Testing for rank
Those who would like to test for rank in Serak can do so by submitting a test by video. There will be an additional fee for this. More information about this will be announced later.
Teach Serak
My mission with Silat Club is to spread the knowledge of Serak around the world. We welcome those instructors who would like to incorporate Silat Club training at their schools, and those who want to simply start up a study group. If you have any inquiries regarding this, please contact us by email.
Join us
I have felt fortunate for the last 20 years to learn this rare and powerful form of martial arts. I welcome you to join us on this journey. Whatever skill level you have, beginner, intermediate or expert, you will find something new and unique at Silat Club to add to your skill set. This is an ongoing monthly subscription course. New content is being added all the time, and there is years of great material to learn from the VDT Serak (Puncah Selate Serah) system. Each week you will be notified that the next chapter of your training is available for viewing. Quizzes will test you on terminology, history, and course material. Teachers and marketers can inquire about our Affiliate program.
Your credit card will be charged the same amount each month to continue the course. You can cancel anytime here in your Thinkific portal.
I welcome you, and thank you for being a part of Silat Club. I look forward to meeting you all in person around the world one day.
Selamat hormat,
Guru Karl 'West' Bolz
Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe
IndoMartialArts Silat Club Channel
Visit our Charlotte, NC school page
Indo Martial Arts of Charlotte
Guru West Bolz
Course curriculum
PHASE 2: Week 1 - Jurus 3 Sambut 3, Making the Pantjar
Week 23: Phase 2 - Jurus 3 Sambut 3
Jurus 3
Sambut 3
Making the Pantjar (Full Size)
Week 2: Tongkat Pantjang 1 - Long Staff 1
Week 2 overview
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus 1 - Long Staff Form 1
Tongkat Pantjang Sambut 1 - Long Staff Technique 1
Week 3: Jurus 3 Belajar, Tongkat Matjan 2 Belajar
Week 3 overview
Jurus 3 Belajar
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 2 Belajar
Week 4: Sambut 3 Belajar, Intro to Pantjar 1
Week 4 overview
Sambut 3 Belajar
Intro to Pantjar Satu
Week 5: Sekurum 1
Week 5 Overview
Intro to Sekurum 1 - Anchor Foot
Sekurum 1 Belajar
Week 6: Tendjek 3
Week 6 overview
Tendjek 3
Tendjek 3 Aplikasi
Phase 2 Week 6 Quiz
Week 7: Buang 3, Sudut Miring
Week 7 overview
Buang 3
Sudut Miring
Week 8: Latihan Pelosok Pantjar
Week 8 overview
Latihan Pelosok Pantjar - Corner Exercise Form
Sudut Miring Belajar - Stairstep Walking Study
Week 9: Tongkat Matjan Jurus & Sambut 3
Week 9 overview
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 3
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 3
Phase 2 Week 9 Quiz
Week 10: Jurus 4, Sambut 4
Week 10 overview:
Jurus 4
Sambut 4
Week 11: Belajar 4, Latihan Pelosok Pantjar Belajar
Week 11 overview
Belajar 4
Latihan Pelosok Pantjar Belajar
Phase 2 Week 11 Quiz
Week 12: Tongkat Matjan 4
Week 12 overview
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 4
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 4
Week 13: Gayong 3, Tongkat Matjan 3 Belajar
Week 13 overview
Gayong 3
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 3 Belajar
Week 14: Tongkat Pantjang 2
Week 14 overview
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus 2
Tongkat Pantjang Sambut 2
Phase 2 Week 14 Quiz
Week 15: Tongkat 2 Belajar 2, Gayong 4
Week 15 overview
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 2 Belajar 2
Gayong 4
Week 16: Buang 4, Tendjek 4 Belajar 1
Week 16 overview: Buang 4 and Tendjek 4
Buang 4
Tendjek 4 Belajar 1
More lessons every week
Week 17: Tongkat Matjan 4 Belajar, Sambutan Dalam
Week 17 overview
Tongkat Matjan 4 Belajar
Sambutan 1&2 Dalam 1
Week 18: Jurus 5, Sambut 5
Week 18 overview
Jurus 5
Sambut 5
Week 18 Quiz
Week 19: Tongkat Pantjang 3
Week 19 overview
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus 3
Tongkat Pantjang Sambut 3
Week 20: Buang 5
Week 20 Overview
Buang 5
Sambutan 1&2 Dalam part 2
Buang 5 Stab Defense
Week 39 Quiz
Week 21: TM Jurus 5, TM Sambut 5
Week 21 overview
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 5
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 5
Week 22: Jurus 6, Sambut 6
Week 22 overview
Sambut 6
Jurus 6
Week 23: Buang 6, TMS 6
Week 23 overview
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 6
Buang 6
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 6
Week 24: Gayong 4 and Tongkat Pantjang
Week 24 Overview
Gayong 4
Tongkat Pantjang Bintang Sembilan (Staff 9 angles)
Week 25: TM Jurus 5 Belajar, TP BS 2
Week 25 overview
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 5 Belajar
Tongkat Pantjang Bintang Sembilan 2
Week 26: Attacking Tangans, Staff Applications
Week 26 overview
Attacking Tangans
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus Aplikasi 1&2
Week 45 Quiz
Week 27: Tongkat Matjan Jurus 6 Belajar
Week 46 overview
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 6 Belajar
Pisau Jurus 3 (Review 1&2)
Week 28: Belajar 6
Week 28 overview
Belajar 6
Week 29: Tongkat Pantjang 4
Week 29 overview
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus 4
Tongkat Pantjang Sambut 4
Week 30: Jurus 7, Sambut 7
Week 30 overview
Jurus 7
Sambut 7
Week 31: Buang 7 & Belajar
Week 31 overview
Buang 7
Belajar Bing 7
Week 32: Tongkat Matjan Jurus 7 & Sambut 7
Week 32 overview
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 7
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 7
Week 33: TMJ Belajar 7
Week 33 overview
TMJ Belajar 7
Week 34: Jurus 8, Sambut 8
Week 34 overview
Jurus 8
Sambut 8
Week 35: Buang 8, Belajar 8
Week 35 overview
Buang 8
Belajar Sambut/Buang 8
Week 36: Belajar Jurus 8
Week 36 overview
Belajar Jurus 8
Multiple Attackers 1
Week 37: Belajar Jurus 8b, Jurus Pisau 4, TM8
Week 37 overview
Belajar Jurus 8b
Jurus Pisau 4
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 8
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 8
Week 38: Jurus 9, Sambut 9
Week 38 overview
Jurus 9
Sambut 9
Week 39: Buang 9, Tongkat Matjan 9
Week 39 overview
Buang 9
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 9
Week 38 Quiz
Tongkat Matjan Sambut 9
Week 40: Sambut Combo 1, Belajar 9
Week 40 overview
Sambut Combo 1
Belajar Jurus 9
Week 41: Sambutan 1-9, Tendjek 5
Week 41 overview
Sambutan 1-9
Tendjek 5
Week 42: Buangs 1,2 Revisited
Week 42 overview
Buang 1 Revisited
Buang 2 Revisited
Week 43 Latihan Tiga Phase 2
Week 43 overview
Latihan Tiga Phase 2
Jurus Pisau 5
Week 44: Tongkat Pantjang 5
Week 44 overview
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus 5
Tongkat Pantjang Sambut 5
Week 45: Blade Defense, Pantjar 1
Week 45 overview
Blade Defense Drill
Pantjar 1 (Version 1)
Week 46: Tongkat Pantjang 6
Week 46 Overview
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus 6
Tongkat Pantjang Sambut 6
Week 47: Phase 2 Review
Phase 2 Review 1
Phase 2 Sambut 1-9 Review
Phase 2 Jurus Review
Week 48: Phase 2 Review Tongkat Matjan
Tongkat Matjan Sambut Review 1-9
Tongkat Matjan Jurus 1-9 Review
Week 49: TPS 1-6 Review
Phase 2 Review: Tongkat Pantjang
Tongkat Pantjang Jurus 1-6
Tongkat Pantjang Sambut 1-6
Week 50: Phase 2 Buang Review, TPJ 1-6
Phase 2 Buang Review
Jurus Pisau 1-6 Review
Aaron Smith
Your teaching is excellent
Your teaching is excellent
Read LessJust joined Silat Club
Mark Milinkovich
Really enjoying the instruction. I've watched a bit ahead to juru 1, sambut 1, but I'm still learning the salutation and Pak Sera entry from week 1. Sh...
Read MoreReally enjoying the instruction. I've watched a bit ahead to juru 1, sambut 1, but I'm still learning the salutation and Pak Sera entry from week 1. Sharing how to make and use the pantjat for learning is super helpful. Lots to learn ! Thank you.
Read LessGreat course
Steve Gresham
Anyone who wants to know what this is and learn, this is the place to be. Steve Gresham
Anyone who wants to know what this is and learn, this is the place to be. Steve Gresham
Read LessIntroduction to silat club
Stan walker
Very Cool
Very Cool
Read LessIntroduction to Silat Club
Rhonda Keller
5 stars. Outstanding training and attention to details.
5 stars. Outstanding training and attention to details.
Read LessRight to the point! an excellent course that gets to the ...
Rafi El
I'm loving it!
I'm loving it!
Read LessAwesome VDT Serak Course
Jamiah Griggs
I think it is the most detailed, and easy to follow course covering VDT Serak. This is a highly destructive, elusive and mystical martial art that can be ve...
Read MoreI think it is the most detailed, and easy to follow course covering VDT Serak. This is a highly destructive, elusive and mystical martial art that can be very hard to learn. There are so many advanced concepts, hidden internal motions and structures that are not easy to pickup. Guru West Bolz has done a fantastic job making these movements and concepts simple for the average martial artist. This art is so different than others and can be very difficult to learn. But Guru Bolz has a unique talent of making the art accessible and easy to learn. We owe him a tremendous debt for his dedication to teaching and breaking this art down into smaller pieces we can follow and learn easily. Many teachers are more interested in showing you their skill. Guru West is solely focused on what YOU the student can get from the training. Selamat Hormat Guru West and thank you from all your students worldwide!
Read LessPowerful Techniques
Michael Marcello
Having been in over a thousand street fights as an adult, I can honestly tell you,that even at the beginning level, these are some of the most powerful enter...
Read MoreHaving been in over a thousand street fights as an adult, I can honestly tell you,that even at the beginning level, these are some of the most powerful entering techniques I've ever seen.
Read LessSilatclub Serak
Patrick Toohey
I really love this course. This is my first attempt to study Serak (but not Silat) and I feel very comfortable with both the presentation and the material it...
Read MoreI really love this course. This is my first attempt to study Serak (but not Silat) and I feel very comfortable with both the presentation and the material itself. Sure, this is going to take a long time to learn but so is every other complex martial art with their own host of subtle nuances, interpretations and applications. I enjoy Guru Bolz's teaching style. He seems like a laid back, down to earth person that really loves his art and his teacher. No hyperbole, no BS, just Serak. I feel very lucky to even be able to take this course and for $25.00 a month it's an awesome deal. Thanks Guru Bolz, I look forward to meeting you in the future some day.
Read LessReview
chad W
Guru West is an excellent teacher, very detailed & when asking questions hes very prompt, ive only done the 1st week & moving forward, i also like th...
Read MoreGuru West is an excellent teacher, very detailed & when asking questions hes very prompt, ive only done the 1st week & moving forward, i also like that he sends reminders to push you as well. Thank you
Read LessIntro to Silat
Robert Lewis
I enjoyed reading of the history and "family" associated with this style. There is much to be learned and re-learned and I look forward to the next chapter. ...
Read MoreI enjoyed reading of the history and "family" associated with this style. There is much to be learned and re-learned and I look forward to the next chapter. Thank-you Mas West.
Read LessHi.
Pattanadech Kwanphichetsakun
love it.
love it.
Read LessDannie Lee
Carl Scott-Jones
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